Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Dia de Accion de Gracias (Thanksgiving)

When Tasi and I decided we wanted to plan a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all our friends, we knew it would be an undertaking. Things in Cusco never work out the way you want them to and people never show up on time or just never show up. So, not only were we inviting lots of people to a dinner at 7, we were also asking them to bring something to contribute to the meal. That meant if someone didn't showup, we were out a person and part of dinner. However, in the end, we had a very happy Thanksgiving with Maruja, Herbert, Gladys, Manuel, Kevin, Rosalio, Juan Carlos, Jose Luis, Robert, Roderigo, Yeni, Marie and Anaise. The original idea was to buy chicken and then have everyone else contribute the rest; mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, salad, bread, pie and soda. However, chicken proved to be too expensive and we had no way to cook it, so we turned to hot dogs. Then we decided to make macaroni and cheese because the cheese we had was about to expire. So for Thanksgiving we had hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, bread, a Peruvian salad made from beets, potatoes, carrots, and peas, apple pie, soda, and champange for a toast. Also, everyone wrote down what they were thankful for on a piece of construction paper, which we put up on the wall and will keep forever. It turned so much better than we thought it might, for which we were very grateful. When the holidays come around, it can be a difficult time for me because I miss being with my family and doing all the traditional things that we always did together. So, for everyone here to come and participate in this American holiday and to give us a great Thanksgiving, really meant a lot. It just helped to remind me that I have some great friends and some great support here and a lot to be thankful for.


Maria said...

meg! we're thankful for you too!
love you lots. can't wait for another post. i hope you're doing well.

Living4Me said...

Robert? Mi amigo de la calle? Dile HOLA de parte de mi!